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it would have to be prokaryotic, which means that it has no nucleus. hope this helped you or someone else out there

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Q: What is an Organism without a nuclear membrane?
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What is the name of an organism with no nuclear membrane and no membrane bound organelles?

prokaryotic cell

What is a prokaryotic organism?

An organism that's lacks a nuclear membrane. It doesn't have a true nucleus.

Which organisms have cells containing nuclear material without a nuclear membrane?


What is prokoaryote?

A prokaryote is a single-celled organism with no definite nucleus and no definite nuclear membrane. Compared to a eukaryote which can be single-celled or multi-cellular and has a true nucleus with a nuclear membrane.

How do you use prokaryote in a sentence?

Prokaryotic is a noun. If a cellular organism has no nuclear membrane, it might be prokaryotic.

What is the microscopic unicelluar organism without a nucleus or other membrane bound organism?

the Golgi cell

What is the double membrane surrounding the nucleus?

The double membrane surrounding the nucleus is called the nuclear envelope. It consists of an outer membrane and an inner membrane, with nuclear pores that control the movement of molecules in and out of the nucleus.

What is a simple organism without a membrane bound nucleus or organelles?

Prokariyotes are without nucleus.They also lack membrane bound organells.

Controles movement into and out of the nucleus?

nuclear membrane

What allows certain substances to pass into and out of the nucleus of the cell?

Nuclear membrane

Cell membrane is to a cell as nuclear membrane is to?

Nucleus. Cell is bound by the cell membrane, and the nucleus is bound by nuclear envelope, or nuclear membrane.