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Recycled water can be used in ponds and streams, in irrigation facilities, industrial uses, and in dust control. Recycled water is sometimes called reclaimed water.

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Q: What is an acceptable use for recycled water?
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Which types of water are collected and recycled for use on the international space station?

All forms of water are recycled :)

Why you use recycled water?

You have recycled & reclaimed witch is all most the same thing. Recyled water can be used to water city or private properties &; parks also you're tolit water is recycled & reenterduced back into the water supply

What is recycled water?

recycled water is evaporation

Should Australia use recycled water for human consumption?

only when it is filtered

Why recycled water should be used?

so that we can re-use our water safely and understand that we will not run out of clean and purified water

Is water lost or recycled when it evaporates or is steamed?

It is recycled.

What is the meaning of Grit removal from waste water?

It is where you use a treatment to removal hard particals and bacteria from recycled water

Is it good to drink recycled water?

it depends on how you mean recycled but yes recycled water is filtered so i would say its safe

How water is recycled?

Water is recycled by the water cycle. You know evaporation, condensation, precipitation, etc.

What are three ways that industries can conserve water?

Install filtration on all their waste water so it can be reused in the industry, or at least recycled to water parklands.Examine their processes for ways to use less water.Cooperate with cities or other industries to use recycled water. One industry may have clean waste water that another industry can use, perhaps for cooling.

Why conserve gasoline and use it wisely?

because it cant be recycled as water can. Therefore, it is imperative that we conserve it and use it wisely

Is there any way to get recycled 5 gal water jugs to help me catch water for my house?

Check with spring water companies such as Evian,mount franklin and Acadia. They are able to provide you with recycled water jugs for your own use for an affordable price.