

What is an access specifier do?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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There is no such thing as an access specifier in Java. There are access modifiers. They specify the access level of the item they modify: public, private, protected.

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What is an access specifier?

An access specifier is a keyword applied to a variable, or method, which indicates which parts of the program are permitted to access it.

What is the difference between access specifier and access modifier?

An access modifier is another name for an access specifier, which in object-orientated software is a keyword applied to a variable which indicates which other parts of the programme are permitted to access it.

What is the use of public access specifier?

use of public access specifier iswe can access the class members(methods,variables) out side the class using class reference

What is a default access specifier for variable in c sharp?

Default access specifier in c# is private. if you don't specify it automaticaly takes it as private.

Where do you define the access specifier for a java method properties?

We define the access specifier of a function at the place of its method signature(The place we write the method's name).for example,public void sample(){}here "public" is the access specifier of function name-sample.

Which is public to all access class or struct or function or variable?

The default access specifier for a class is private. The default access specifier for a struct is public. It does not matter if it is a function or a variable.

How the jvm is able to access your class even you declare it using default access specifier but the same class is not accessed from other class which is declared in another package?

The JVM knows about all of your classes, no matter what package they are in or what access specifier you declared them with. The access specifier is only used to limit access from other classes.

What is the default access specifier in java?

There is no such thing as an access specifier in Java. There are access modifiers.The default access modifier if unspecified is to allow access to classes in the current package only, except within an interface where the default is 'public'

What is the default access specifier of Java?

There is no such thing as an access specifier in Java. There are access modifiers.The default access modifier if unspecified is to allow access to classes in the current package only, except within an interface where the default is 'public'.

Default access specifier in java?

There is no such thing as an access specifier in Java. There are access modifiers.The default access modifier if unspecified is to allow access to classes in the current package only, except within an interface where the default is 'public'.

If you don't supply any access specifier with class name than which specifier it should have?

It will have the default access which means - this class will be accessible only within the current package.

What are the various access specifiers?

Three types of access specifier private , public ,protected