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Electrical energy is continuously obtained.

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Q: What is an advantage of fuel cells over lead storage batteries?
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What are the similarities between batteries and fuel cells?

Cathode is positive and anode is negative for both.... we cant say both are not rechargeble ..... but using electricity we cant recharge dry batteries (some) and fuel cells...

Why are fuel cells used on the space shuttle instead of batteries?

Two reasons:Weight. Batteries are heavier per energy unit than fuel cells.Capacity. Fuel cells can store much more energy than batteries.As a bonus, the weight for the fuel cell fuel reduces the weight of another required consumable: water. The "exhaust" of fuel cells is pure water which astronauts can drink.

Did Apollo 11 have solar cells?

None of the Apollo spacecrafts has solar cells. All of them used fuel cells and chemical batteries to provide energy.

What was Apollo 13s power soruce?

Initially fuel cells, after the explosion they relied solely on batteries.

What is the cell that converts chemical energy into electricity?

Batteries do this. Perhaps you are talking about biological cells. There are organisms that give off light, and these cells are referred to as fuel cells.

Food fuel and batteries go through storage tanks physical changes chemical changes inertia what is the right answer?

physical changes

What battery does NASA use for their space shuttles?

They get electricity through the use of fuel cells. not batteries. The current limiter to the length of a mission is the amount of hydrogen and oxygen carried to use in the fuel cells.

What do fuel cells batteries and solar cells have in common?

They all produce static electricity.

Is stored energy in chemical energy?

Yes , energy can be stored as chemical energy, for example in batteries and fuel cells.

Is chemical energy stored energy?

Yes , energy can be stored as chemical energy, for example in batteries and fuel cells.

Why are chemical fuel cells bad?

They use the wrong kind of energy and they use too much of it. That's why other batteries are way better. One, they hardly use 6% as much as chemical fuel cells. Two, the chemical fuel cells pollute the air too.

What are three types of energy storage systems in Hybrid Electric Vehicles?

Hydrogen Cells Battery Fuel tank (Gasoline or diesel fuel)