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Q: What is an airship without a frame called?
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Who invented the rigid-frame airship?

In 1897, the first rigid frame airship was built in Germany. The hull was made out of aluminum sheeting. The most successful rigid airship designer and builder was Ferdinand, Count von Zeppelin, with his first airship the LZ-1 built in 1900.

What is the most famous airship called?

the Zepppelin was the most famous airship

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What is the shape of an airship without a frame for support called?

A blimp. The name comes from the British usage of calling such airships "limps". There were type A and type B limps; the type A wasn't used very much but the "B limps" were, and the name was soon compressed to "blimp".

What is the shape of an airship called?


What materials are needed to make a model airship?

You will need cardboard or balsa wood for the frame and gondolaÊof the airship. For the blimp itself you will need a mylar bag or some other kind of nylon material, as well as helium.

What do you call an airship without a frame?

A blimp. The name comes from the British usage of calling such airships "limps". There were type A and type B limps; the type A wasn't used very much but the "B limps" were, and the name was soon compressed to "blimp".

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What aircraft did Ferdinand Von zeppelin build successfully?

Airship which were called Zeppelins.

What name is given to the car that is suspended from the hull or body of an airship?

It is called a "control car".

What is a traveler in a hot air balloon or airship called?

a human being or a passanger or a pilot

What is a traveller in a hot - air balloon or airship called?

a human being or a passanger or a pilot