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An allusion from "Work Without Hope" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge is the reference to the Garden of Eden, where the speaker laments his own detachment from the beauty of nature and the loss of his own paradisiacal state. This allusion serves to highlight the speaker's sense of futility and despair in his current state.

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What is contemporary allusion?

allusion = reference to another literary work.

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Her reference to Greek mythology was a clever allusion in her speech.

Can a symbol be and allusion?

no....i don't think so. An allusion is a connection and a symbol is when something represents another thing. Hope this helped:)

An allusion is a?

reference to a work of literature in another work of literature.

What do you call a reference made about a work of literature?

A reference made about a work of literature is commonly referred to as a literary allusion. It is a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing, or idea of historical, cultural, literary, or political significance. Allusions can add depth and meaning to the text by invoking connections and associations with the referenced work.

What must happen for allusion to be effective?

For an allusion to be effective, the audience must be familiar with the reference being made. The allusion should enhance the reader's understanding or create a connection to the original text or concept being referenced. It should also add depth and complexity to the current work without relying too heavily on the allusion itself.

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A sexual allusion is a reference or hint to something related to sex or sexuality, often used in literature, art, or conversation to suggest a sexual meaning without being explicit. It can add layers of meaning, humor, or depth to a work.

What is the opposite of allusion?

The opposite of allusion is explicitness, where something is directly stated or made clear without any reference or hinting.

What is a allusion example?

An example of an allusion is when a speaker refers to a famous painting like the Mona Lisa, as a way to subtly evoke certain emotions or ideas without explicitly stating them. This literary device relies on the audience's familiarity with the referenced work to convey deeper meaning or add layers to the message being conveyed.

A an is a recurring idea or image A an is a reference to a work of art or to a famous person from history?

motif; allusion

Is The doorway soon absorbed her boxes a allusion?

No, the sentence "The doorway soon absorbed her boxes" is not an allusion. An allusion is a reference to another work of literature, art, or culture within a piece of writing.

What is an easy to understand definition to allusion?

An allusion is a reference made in a piece of writing, speech, or art that indirectly hints at a particular person, event, or work of literature without explicitly mentioning it. It relies on the audience's familiarity with the reference to create meaning or evoke certain emotions.