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An allusion in the Balboa story could be a reference to historical events, literature, or mythology that adds depth or meaning to the narrative. For example, mentioning Balboa standing on a peak like the Greek god Zeus could be an allusion to Greek mythology, emphasizing Balboa's grandeur and achievement.

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Q: What is an allusion in the balboa story?
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In the story balboa What allusion is made in the first paragraph?

The first paragraph of the story "Balboa" alludes to Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa's discovery of the Pacific Ocean in 1513. This allusion sets the tone for a tale of exploration and adventure.

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An allusion is different than an illusion. An allusion is a reference to text that helps explain a different story. An allusions story must be similar to the piece of work that it is in other wise its just a reference.

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Whats an example of allusion?

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The Biblical allusion to the story of Absalom and King David. The metaphorical allusion to the Garden of Eden. The allusion to the lives of Arthur Jarvis and Abraham, representing different paths. The allusion to the Valley of the Shadow of Death from the Bible. The allusion to the concept of justice and redemption through suffering. The allusion to the traditional Zulu way of life and the impact of colonization on it.