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Q: What is an alternative to Privine nasal drops?
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When you put in your nostrils a nasal drops Y these drops go in your throat?

Because the nose and throat is connected..

What are the side effects of decongestant nasal sprays and nose drops?

The most common side effects from decongestant nasal sprays and nose drops are sneezing and temporary burning, stinging, or dryness.

Treatment of neonatal nasal congestion?

Treatment for neonatal nasal congestion include saline drops, vaporizer, and a bulb syringe.

What is the safest over the counter medicine for nasal congestion?

The best and safest nasal decongestant would be Mucinex along with some type of nasal spray. Afrin makes nasal sprays and drops that deliver faster relief.

What should I do when my nose is stuffy and I can't breth throh my nose?

First of all (As far as I know) You should blow your nose well,then use Nasal drops or an Inhaler,but I think it's best to use nasal drops.

What is an alternative to septoplasty for sinusitis?

In cases of sinusitis or allergic rhinitis, nasal airway breathing can be improved by using such nasal sprays, as phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine).

Is it bad to swallow saline nasal drops?

It depends what volume. After you get above a litre, you may feel a bit sick.

How do you prepare saline water for nasal drops?

simply dissolve 5 ml of salt in 250 ml of warm water

Can a few drops of eucalyptus oil on a pillow be used to ease nasal conjestion in pregnancy?

Eucalyptus oil is an Alternative Medicine treatment for nasal congestion; however it should be used sparingly because due to its concentration it could cause health hazard the same as other medications. It has been determined if used correctly this oil is safe to place on a cloth under the pillow to help relieve congestion for pregnant women.

When putting eye drops in eyes does it go in blood system?

When you put drops in your eye, the drops can become “pumped” into the tear system if you blink. Once in contact with the vascular nasal mucosa, relatively rapid absorption of drugs into the bloodstream can occur. The drops can act as a systemic “bolus” - an infusion of the drug into the bloodstream.

Do eye drops go into the bloodstream?

yes..eye is connected to the nose via nasal duct and nose is connected to the when you put the eye drop it drains via nasal duct(some) n gt into ya throat

What is the purpose of using Mylicon drops?

Mylicon drops tend to be given to babies who suffer from colic- a painful amount of wind in the digestive tract. The drops work by releasing the gas which is causing the baby pain and is an alternative to gripe water.