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Q: What is an animal kingdom which is divided into more groups called?
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What are the animal kingdom groups?

The animal kingdom is divided into five groups for classification purposes. They are called Ctenophora, Porifera, Placozoa, Cnidaria, and Bilateria.

The animal kingdom is divided into smaller groups called?

The animal kingdom is divided into smaller groups called vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates are those animals with backbones and endoskeletons and invertebrates lack a backbone and generally have the skeleton on the outside of their bodies.

What two large groups are divided into the animal kingdom?

Warm blooded and cold blooded

The mammal class is divided into smaller groups called?

Animalia kingdom

If the animal kingdom was divided into 2 groups vertebrates and invertebrates?

yes, its split into vertebrates and invertebrates

The two major groupings within the animal kingdom are?

The animal kingdom is divided into two major groups vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates have a backbone and invertebrates does not have a backbone.

What two groups of the animal kingdom and can be classified?

this group is called invertebrates and vertebrates :)

The animal kingdom is divided into two large groupsWhat are the two groups?

I guess these are two sub-division of an animal kingdom. Invertebrates. Vertebrates.

Biologists classify animals in the animal kingdom into about 35 major groups called?


What are the groups within the animal kingdom?

the 2 main groups are the vertebrates and the invertebrates

What are two groups of an animal kingdom?

mamilia, reptilia

What is the word called when you put similar things in groups?

It is called Categorising things, Like in the animal kingdom, where certain animals are put into different categories.