

What is an antonym for horizon?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is an antonym for horizon?
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What is an antonym fo horizon?

Panorama does not have an antonym. However, the word "Panorama" is used to describe a long distance view with a wide horizon, as might be seen in an open landscape, and the word "Vista" is a long distance view with a limited horizon, as in looking down an avenue of trees. So, vista is a kind of antonym of panorama.

Which is correct an horizon or a horizon?

a horizon

Which horizon is materials that are leached from horizon A are deposited into this horizon?

Horizon B

What is the meaning of dawn and morning?

Dawn is the time of day when the sun is just rising, and isn't fully past the horizon. Morning is the portion of the day from when the sun has fully arisen above the horizon to just before noon, when the sun is exactly in the middle of the sky.

What is antonym of the word synonym?

The antonym of the word 'synonym' is 'antonym'.

List soil horizons in the correct order from top to bottom?

O horizon A horizon E horizon B horizon and c horizon

What horizon contains topsoil?

the horizon that contains topsoil is the A HORIZON

What is antonym for synonym?

An antonym means "opposite". So an antonym for the word synonym is antonym.

What Horizon has the highest amount of organic material?

A horizon B horizon C horizon O horizon

Which layer in a soil profile contains the most organic matter the A horizon or O horizon?

The O horizon contains the most organic matter in a soil profile. It is the top layer of organic material such as decaying leaves, branches, and other plant debris that is actively decomposing. The A horizon, also known as the topsoil, is a layer rich in minerals and organic matter that is developed from the decomposition of plant material in the O horizon.

What is horizon B?

A. The A horizon.

Do you write on the horizon or in the horizon?
