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pre- opposition

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Q: What is an antonym for the word opposition?
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What is an antonym for enmity?

Enmity is great hatred or opposition to something or someone. An antonym for the word enmity is friendship, camaraderie, or alliance.

What is an antonym for the word adhereence?

I think you mean "Adherence." Disfavor, Opposition, Disloyalty, Sedition, Enmity

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What is Another word for opposition?

Some other words for 'opposite' are: reverse, contrary, or contradictory. Other close synonyms are unlike, dissimilar, conflicting, and different.A word that means roughly the opposite of another word is called an antonym.

Is foe and opposition an antonym or homophone or synonym?

"Foe" and "opposition" are synonymous, as they both refer to something or someone who is against, hostile, or opposing something else. They are not homophones, as they are pronounced differently.

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The antonym of the word 'synonym' is 'antonym'.

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Antagonist, protester, assailant, opposition, enemy...

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now ____________ The word when does not have an antonym. Not every word has an antonym.

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The antonym of the word 'out' is 'in'.

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An antonym for the word enlarge is reduce. (An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.)

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