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Q: What is an anxiety attack but not directed at a specific object?
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What is state anxiety?

State anxiety describes the experience of unpleasent feelings when confronted with specific sitations, demands or a particular object or event.

Is don't a full sentence?

In the right context and directed to a specific implied subject, "Don't!" can be construed to be an imperative sentence with an implied object.

What is freuds realistic anxiety moral anxiety and neurotic anxiety?

Neurotic anxiety is a type of anxiety that the object doesn't exist. i.e: your professor is a cold one, without smile, and suddenly you feel that he is angry toward you, and you're being anxious to be his object of anger.. Realistic anxiety is a type of anxiety that the object does exist. i.e: you anxious being bitten by a fierce dog that's standing in front of you. Moralistic anxiety: is a type of anxiety that you anxious about something that doesn't match your conscience. i.e: you anxious about to cheat on an exam or not, in a condition, you haven't studied last night.

When object moves upwards what is the velocity and acceleration?

When an object is moving upwards, its velocity is directed upwards. If the object is near the Earth or any other planet, then its acceleration is directed downwards, which also means that its upward velocity is decreasing.


A force that acts on a body moving in a circular path and is directed around the object which the body is moving

What is needed in order to cause an object at rest to move or an object in motion to change its directed or speed?

An outside force to act on it

What are incident and reflected rays?

incident ray: the ray that strikes the object reflected ray: the ray that is directed away from the object

What is the displacement of an object during a specific unit of time?

The displacement of an object is its Volume.

What will be the change in the kinetic energy of an object with mass m and speed v directed to the right strikes a wall and rebounds with speed vo directed to the left?

it will recoil and the direction will reverse, i don't think there is a specific name for this type of energy besides the fact that it pertains to the law of motion that for ever action there is a counterpart reaction.

What is war and massacre about by nagel?

· For Nagel fighting clean is directing aggression and hostility at its true object. Fighting dirty is when aggression is directed at a peripheral target, which can be used to attack the proper object indirectly. Nagel states that the main principle in fights should maintain the hostility and aggression are directed at its true object. Nagel then males the claim that if the principle of fighting clean and fighting dirty can be applied on such matters among ordinary people then this principle should be applied in a war as well, to both- the conduct of soldiers and to the conduct of nations.

Can a force directed north balance a force directed east?

No, only a force direct West can balance a force directed East.

As you spin an object around what is the force acting out?

There is no force directed away from the center.If there were no force at all on the object, it would continue to travel in a straight line.The force directed inward, toward the center, is what bends its path around the center.