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U.S Grade B eggs are usually used to make liquid, frozen, and dried egg products, as well as other egg-containing products. Generally you do not see Grade B eggs sold on the retail market as fresh eggs.

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Q: What is an appropriate intended use for US grade b shell eggs?
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Related questions

Why do eggs have shell on it?

Eggs have a shell on it to stop it breaking

What does grade A eggs mean?

Eggs are graded Grade A, AA or B based on the quality of the shell, white and yolk and the size of the air cell within the egg. Grade "A" indicated an assurance of: Thick albumen (white) A round, well centered yolk A clean, uncracked shell with a "normal" egg shape. A small air cell within, less than 5mm.

What are the grades of eggs and what do they mean?

the grades of eggs are like the rating of the eggs. Grade A eggs are the best grade B eggs are the second best grade C eggs are okay grade D eggs aren't very good and so on.

Why do eggs have shell?

ROFL can you imagine eggs without a shell? They have a shell so that the chicken doesn't fall out a go boom!

What type of eggs do both reptiles and birds lay?

Yes. Bird eggs are similar in structure to reptile eggs with the main difference being that bird eggs have a hard shell while reptiles eggs have a softer, leathery shell.

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Why don't they have grade b eggs?

They do have Grade B eggs, they're just not as good (well formed) as Grade A eggs and so not sold in most supermarkets.

What grade are the eggs they sell in stores?

Grade A.

Why doesn't a reptile have a shell membrane?

Reptile eggs have shell membranes.

What is a fresher grade or an AAA egg?

The grading of eggs is done by "candling" in which a light is shown through the egg to determine the quality of the contents. If the yolk is unbroken and round then it is considered "A" grade and suitable for retail or home use. A grade of AA is given to fresh eggs with a strong shell that can be cooked, unbroken, and made into hard or soft boiled eggs. So, yes, AA is slightly better than a simple A.

How does birds lay their eggs?

in a shell

What vertebrate group produce eggs with a leathery shell?

Reptiles, such as turtles, snakes, and lizards, produce eggs with a leathery shell. The leathery shell is flexible and allows the eggs to absorb moisture and exchange gases with the environment. Unlike reptiles, birds and some other groups of vertebrates produce eggs with a hard, calcified shell.