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Q: What is an area of damage to the brain is called?
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Damage to Broca's area and Wernicke's area of the brain can cause?

Damage to Broca's area causes an expressive aphasia, whereas damage to Wernicke's area causes a receptive (although illogcally sounding fluent) aphasia.

What is the Brain area called the brain clock?

Pineal Gland

What is a person who has brain damage called?

It really all depends on what the brain damage was. Someone might have had a stroke, a traumatic brain injury, a tumor, bleeding in the brain, or many different things.

Respiratory effort usauly exhibited by patients with cerebral brain damage is called?

Cheyne-Stokes respiration. It is a pattern of breathing characterized by alternating periods of deep, rapid breathing followed by periods of shallow, slow breathing or even temporary cessation of breathing. This respiratory pattern is typically observed in patients with severe brain damage or neurological disorders affecting the brainstem.

What is the difference between brain injury and brain damage?

The difference is that one can have a brain injury and not have brain damage. Essentially, brain damage is caused by injury or trauma to the brain. However, not every injury to the brain will cause brain damage.

What is the difference between brain damage and brain injury?

The difference is that one can have a brain injury and not have brain damage. Essentially, brain damage is caused by injury or trauma to the brain. However, not every injury to the brain will cause brain damage.

A condition resulting from a development defect or damage to the brain occurring befroe the brain during or shortly after birth which affects the motor area of the brain?

cerebral palsy.

WHAT IS The capacity of one brain area to take over the functions of another damaged brain?

yes they can, it happened to my brother. he had brain damage and now he is nearly normal.

Damage to which area of the Brain causes losss of executive function?

Damage to the frontal lobe in the brain can cause loss of executive function. Executive function is a persons ability to plan things or foresight.

What is the brain higher processes called?

The brain higher processes is called the sensor area

When women drink alcohol during pregnancy they can cause significant brain damage called?

Fetal alcohol syndrome of the brain.

What is the organ affected in case of cerebral vascular accident?

The main area of the body affected by a CVA is the brain. Depending on the severity and area of the brain where damage has occurred will determine which if any organs are affected.