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People with autism or Asperger's Syndrome often feel more comfortable with additional weight pressing against them. Temple Grandin, a professor with autism, invented a "hugging machine" that provides adjustable pressure that makes many people with autism relax. Similarly, people with autism might prefer more pressure when hugged, reacting anxiously to light hugs. This preference for heavier touch or pressure is a sensory issue that occurs in some people with autism or Asperger's Syndrome.

So, instead of using a dozen blankets to feel comfortable, a blanket with pockets in which "weights" can be placed was designed. The size of the weights can be adjusted to the person's desired comfort level, assuming it is not dangerously heavy. It also allows the weights to place where wanted, so if the person dislikes extra weight constraining his or her feet but wants them over the torso area, the weights can be placed in only the pockets in that area.

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yolo lol

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