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Q: What is the cause of behaviors in autism people?
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What causes behaviors in autism people?

Autism has lots of behaviors. The 3 major symptoms is ignoring people, can't talk at an age when you should be able to, and behavior that is unusual.

How many people die from Autism ?

None - autism is a neuological difference, there's nothing about autism that could cause death.

Can fast food cause autism?

No, fast food doesn't cause autism - autism is a neurological difference that people are born with, eating fast-food cannot cause a person to become autistic.

Did Kuwait oil fires cause autism?

no it did not cause autism, birth defects cause autism

Is OCD a symptom of autism spectrum disorders?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is not a symptom of autism spectrum disorders. However, people with autism spectrum disorders can exhibit behaviors that appear similar to OCD, without having OCD. Also, people with an autism spectrum disorder can have OCD as a comorbid condition.

What are the three hallmark behaviors in detecting autism?

There are more than 3 behaviors that can indicate autism. It is widely accepted that the symptoms of autism fall into 3 areas: social, language, and psycho/motor. Please use the following link to the reputable and reliable Mayo Clinic autism information.

Is mercury the cause of autism?

some people think that is but there not sure

Does organic food cause autism?

No, organic food does not cause autism.

Is throwing things across the room a sign of autism?

No, throwing things is not part of autism - autism is a neurological difference, there is nothing about autism that would cause throwing things. Of course Autistic people may throw things for any number of reasons, it's just that autism isn't the cause of this.

What is the scientific name for autism?

The scientific name for autism is autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It is a complex neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges with social skills, communication, and repetitive behaviors.

Do computers cause autism?

Autism in a neurological disorder. Scientific research seems to indicate a strong hereditary factor in autism. No research has concluded that computers contribute to or cause autism.

What evidence is there that MMR is unlikely to cause autism?

It's not that MMR is unlikely to cause autism, it cannot cause autism full-stop. Autism is a neurological difference so it occurs within the second trimester of pregnancy when the brain is being formed, no vaccination can cause autism. Billions have been wasted on thousands of research projects to prove that there is absolutely no link between autism and vaccinations.