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An example of an autonomic response would the response of the body to cold. The blood vessels to the skin constrict to prevent transdermal heat loss and the in addition the adrenal system activate thermogenesis.

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Q: What is an autonomic response to the environment?
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What is an autonomic response?

The Autonomic System controls your internal movement. When receptors detect your body getting too warm, for example, impulses are sent to your skin. The response is automatic: you have no control over the action.

Does the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system initiate the stress response?

No..,. False

Why people close there eyes when you sneeze?

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Can you die from breathing in water?

No, it is not possible to consciously hold your breath until you die. The lungs would fill with carbon dioxide. The CO2 would trigger an autonomic response from the brain stem that tells the body "breathe!" Even if you tried to fight that autonomic response, you would then pass out from the high CO2 and the autonomic response would kick in anyway-- you would breathe.

What is the human body's automatic response to the environment?

An automatic response to the environment is a reflex

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Autonomic Reflexes are micro movements in response to specific stimuli that are not regulated by conscious effort. Its most effective use is in the Autonomic Digital Reflexapproach in which twitches of the fingers are decoded as meaningful reactions of the body's inner state.

Synonym for the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system?

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Why do you have to urinate when you get scared or nervous?

nah, the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system actually inhibits bladder contraction. the sympathetic response of the autonomic nervous system is in charge of a fright response. It seems contradictory that you pee yourself when scared, I'm looking this up myself