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Q: What is an educated guess made by scientist about what they think will occur?
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What is the difference between a hypothesis a theory and a guess?

A hypothesis is a educated guess about how you think something is going to turn out. A theory is a way of how something might happen that has not been proven. A guess is like a hypothesis but not educated.

How is a theory different from a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a guess in what you think it is a theory is a fact and someone already proved it in the past.

How can looking around yo make you a science?

If your saying what i think you are saying, your talking about observation. Observation is noticing the thngs ariund you. The way you become a scientist from this is writing down things that you observe, noticing patterns or wierd things in it, make a question about it, for a hypothesis(Educated guess) and perform an experiment.

After the experiment scientist do what?

your answerWell what you have to know FIRST is what they do BEFORE the experiment. What scientist do before an experiment is they observe what they are going to do. Then they come up with an HYPOTHESIS. An HYPOTHESIS is an educated guess. They write what they THINK is going to happen. Then they do their experiment. After they do that, they check their HYPOTHESISand if they guessed wrong, they don't cross the HYPOTHESISout, they learn from their mistakes, so they write what really happened during the experiment. I hope this helped if it did then email me at

What is a hypthesis?

The correct spelling is hypothesis instead of hypothesis. A hypothesis is an educated guess on how you think something will work. It is a tentative statement, proposed explanation, or statement of prediction.

Related questions

When does a hypothesis occur?

a hypothesis doesn't occur... a hypothesis is an educated guess, basically what you think is going to happen based on solid data or just a hunch if you really don't know...

Is a hypothesis something you think will happen?

it's an educated guess

What is the difference between a hypothesis a theory and a guess?

A hypothesis is a educated guess about how you think something is going to turn out. A theory is a way of how something might happen that has not been proven. A guess is like a hypothesis but not educated.

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Just an educated guess, but I think...maybe...In a desert?

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it means to take an educated guess at what you think the answer is going to be

Why should hypothesis never start with I think or I believe?

Because 'think' and believe' means that you are guessing- a hypothesis is an educated guess, not just an ordinary uniformed guess.

What is Pokémon no 168 in Pokémon emerald?

just an educated guess here but i think its one of the regis

What US city boasts the most officially designated historic places?

I think Virginia... Google always helps 8D

What nationality did the last name Godfrey come from?

I think it was originally borrowed from the vikings by the German. So I think its German/Nordic. (Educated Guess)

How is a theory different from a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a guess in what you think it is a theory is a fact and someone already proved it in the past.

How many goats are in the state of Virginia?

Well, this is an educated guess, but I think there are a little over 9000 goats in the state of virginia.

How can looking around yo make you a science?

If your saying what i think you are saying, your talking about observation. Observation is noticing the thngs ariund you. The way you become a scientist from this is writing down things that you observe, noticing patterns or wierd things in it, make a question about it, for a hypothesis(Educated guess) and perform an experiment.