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belief that a monarch's authority to rule comes from a supreme being

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Q: What is an element of the divine right theory of the origin of the state?
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Is there fallacy involved in the divine right theory?

Yes. Divine right implies it is god given. Many people do not believe in a god or gods. It was simply arrogance.

What is the divine right theory?

The Divine Right Theory is not a theory as we understand scientific theories because it does not hinge upon any hypothesis which can be tested. With that The Divine Right Theory, also well known as divine right of kings, is the doctrine that states the right of rules in a monarch (one ruler) is developed directly from God and is only accountable to God because God created the state. Also that God had given those of royal birth a "divine right" to rule, without consent of the people. Which in simpler terms means if your father was the king and he had passed away, the throne automatically goes to you and no one can take it away. It doesn't matter if you have something mentally wrong with you or that you are not capable of handling a job like this, you are born in royalty and have power amongst the people. These people are bound to obey their ruler as they would God, even if you are or are not fit for the throne. The Divine Right Theory is the belief that God gave Kings the right to rule.

Which statement BEST describes John Locke's argument against the divine right of kings theory of government?

John Locke believed in the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He did not believe that kings had a divine right to rule, but that the people of the country should choose their leader.

How did the enlightenment stopped its progression?

Rejection of the Divine Right of Kings and hereditary authority

Why is theory important?

Theory is Impotant because It helps us learn from right and wrong. It teachs people to think of how and why something happens.

Related questions

What is an element of the divine right theory of a origin of a state?

belief that a monarch's authority to rule comes from a supreme being A+

Which theory of government claims that the king connects the heavens and the earth?

the divine right theory

What are the four theory's of the origin of the states?

Force, evolutionary, divine right, social contract

Jacques Bossuet wrote it is god who establishes king. Which theory of the origin of government would he support?

The divine right theory

Jacques Bossuet wrote It is God who establishes kings. Which theory of the origin of government would he support?

The divine right theory

Jacques Bossuet wrote It is God who establishes kings Which theory of the origin of government would he support?

Jacques Bossuet would likely support the divine right theory of the origin of government, which suggests that rulers are appointed by God to govern and that their authority comes from a higher power. According to this theory, kings have a divine mandate to rule and their authority is derived from God.

What is an example of the divine right theory?

Usually in a Monarchy form of Government. One Example would be King Louis XIV of France.

What are the theories on the origin of the state?

The four theories of the State Origin are as follows: Evolutionary theory, Divine theory, Social Contract theory and Force theory. There are instances that consider an extra two which are the Patriarchal theory and Diving Right of Kings theory.

What are the theories of the origin of the state?

The Natural Theory- man's urge toward being part of the community.The Force Theory- one person or group forced all people within an area to obey their rule. It happens through war, where the strong dominated the weak.The Divine Theory- God created the state, and that He gave certain people the "divine right" to govern these lands.The Divine Right of Kings Theory- spiritual power was given to certain as sovereigns of the state and thus absolute power of his subjects.The Social Contract Theory- the state is essentially a contract between the leader and the people.The Patriarchal Theory- the father head of the family. the family is the first constituent of society.

What are the theories of state origin please explain?

I believe what you are thinking of are the theories of: * Divine right; * Social Contract * Force * Evolution

What are the 3 economic theories?

The 3 economic theoies are the evolution theory, force theory, and the divine right theory. Hope this helped. ... I thought those were the origin theories, and you forgot the Social Contract Theory.

What Country has a Divine Right Theory?

Both ancient China and ancient Egypt followed divine right theory.