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Q: What is an equinox and when does an equinox occur?
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When does an quinox occur?

A equinox occur's only about 2 times a year.

What day in September does an equinox happen on?

The September equinox can occur at any time from the 21st to the 24th of September.

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How many a year does an equinox occur?

liedlihqwlkhdaLDHLISHLSAD'S Equinoxes occur four times a year. The Vernal Equinox occurs in March, the Summer Solstice occurs in June, the Autumn Equinox occurs in September, and the Winter Solstice occurs in December.

When does the fall equinox occur in the northern hemisphere?

September 22

At what time will the Autumnal Equinox occur today?

September 22

When is the vernal equinox in Johannesburg. Why does it occur.?

September,because it is south of the equator

An equinox occurs when?

There is an equinox in the spring called the vernal equinox, and one in the fall called the autumnal equinox. They happen at the moment that the center of the sun is in the earth's equatorial plane. In other words, they occur at the moments when the sun passes directly over the equator.

Does an equinox occur on the same day at the same time in both hemispheres?

yes it does=]

What two seasons do the equinox occur?

The "Vernal Equinox" is the beginning of "Spring" and the end of "Winter". The Autumnal Equinox is the beginning of "Autumn" or "Fall" and the end of "Summer". In the Northern Hemisphere, the Vernal Equinox is in March and the Autumnal Equinox in September each year.

When does the next equanox occur?

The next Southern Equinox will occur on September 22, 2013. Sadly, you just missed the March Equinox by a few weeks, but luckily you will only have to wait 5 months to see the next one. The Northern Equinox happens every year around the end of March, while the Southern Equinox happens every year around the end of September.