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Q: What is an ethmoid bone?
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The Ethmoid Bone

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A fractured cribriform plate can result in cerebrospinal fluid leaking into the nose and loss of sense of smell.

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ethmoid bone

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What are 4 bones containing paranasal sinuses?

The maxillae contain the maxillary sinuses, the ethmoid and sphenoid contain the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, respectively. ****Maxilla is a facial bone, the three cranial bones that contain sinuses are ethmoid, sphenoid and frontal.

What has crista galli?

Ethmoid Bone

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What is an ethmoid?

An ethmoid is a bone in the human skeleton, situated between the eyes and the roof of the nose.

What bone is found just posterior to the ethmoid bone of the orbit?

the sphenoid bone

What bone is found just posterior to the ethmoid bone?

Posterior means behind or toward the back -- so which bone is behind the ethmoid bone? The sphenoid bone (butterfly shaped one).The bone that is found just posterior to the ethmoid bone in the orbit is the sphenoid. Major paranasal sinuses are the ethmoid, sphenoid, frontal, and maxillary sinuses.

What is minimal ethmoid mucoperiosteal disease?

The ethmoid refers to a bone or a sinus. The mucoperiosteum is the lining of that bone and sinus. Minimal ethmoid mucoperiosteal disease means there's a little bit of chronic sinusitis in that sinus.

Superior and medical nasal conchae are part of this bone?

The superior and medial nasal conchae is part of the ethmoid bone of the cranium. Ethmoid bone separates nasal cavity from the brain.