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Q: What is an example body part of ipsilateral?
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Can you define Ipsilateral in the context of the central nervous system?

Ipsilateral means on the same side of the body, so the right ear and right eye are ipsilateral. For the central nervous system, an example would be that the right frontal lobe and the right occipital lobe are ipsilateral.

Define terms ipsilateral and contralateral as they apply to the functionality of the central nervous system?

ipsilateral- is on the same side of the body contralateral- is on the opposite side of the body what happens on one side will be different on the other

What is ipsilateral paralysis?

It is paralysis affecting only one side of the body

Is the gallbladder and ascending colon ipsilateral?

No, ipsilateral means on the same side. The spleen and gallbladder are on opposite sides of the body which makes them contralateral.

What is an Ipsilateral exercise?

Ipsilateral means on the same side. An example would be if you were to lunge forward onto your right leg and at the same time shoulder press a dumbbell with your right arm.

What type of symmetry describes having two structures on the same side of the body?


Is the scapula ipsilateral to clavicle?

The left clavicle is ipsilateral to the left scapula, and contralateral to the right.

What is the difference between a contralateral reflex arc and an ipsilateral reflex arc?

Monosynaptic meaning there is one synapse. Polysynaptic means there are more than one synapse. If a interneuron is present it is polysynaptic, if no interneuron is present then it is monosynaptic. Ipsilateral meaning the same side and contralateral meaning opposite sides.

Is the right hand ipsilateral to the right foot?

no, right hand is ipsilateral to the right foot.

What is a ipsilateral reflex arc?

response to stimuli occurs on the same side of the body that is stimulated response to stimuli occurs on the same side of the body that is stimulated

What is the opposite of ipsilateral?


How do you use ipsilateral in a sentence?

if you get pain in the ipsilateral of your inferior and superior limps at the same time, it's critical to diagnose the disease right away