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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

An example of Gemeinschaft is a closely-knit rural community where members share strong personal relationships, values, and traditions. This could include a small village where residents know each other well, support one another, and participate in communal activities together.

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die Gemeinschaft or die Gesellschaft

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Who produced the theory of gemeinschaft and gesellschaft?

Ferdinand Tönnies, in 1887.

What is the difference between Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft?

Gemeinschaft is the relationship between two individuals that is based on familial ties or community ties. Gesellschaft, on the other hand is based on impersonal ties, such as duty to an organization.

How do you say charity in German?

A charity is eine wohltaetige Organisation or eine wohltaetige Gemeinschaft.

Gemeinschaft refers to ao community of like minded people?

i think some people do what they on that time