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Q: What is an example of a Adjectives sentence?
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What are examples of a sentence that has 3 adjectives and noun?

Example sentence with three adjectives (silly, little, happy) and a noun (girl).She was a silly little girl but she was happy.

How many adjectives should be used in a sentence?

You can use as many as you need, for example this sentence has 4 My oldest brother has a large fast Japanese car. adjectives = oldest large fast Japanese

What are the adjectives in this sentence?

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssstinnnnnnnnneeeeeeee There are no adjectives.

Can predicate adjectives and nouns be in the same sentence?

Yes, for example: John (noun) is happy (predicate adjective).

Can a sentence have two adjectives in a row?

Yes for example. Billy has a big red and black toy i want.

What do adjectives and adverbs do to a sentence?

Adjectives and adverbs help describe your sentence in more detail.

Example of compound adjective?

Compound adjectives are formed when you use two or more adjectives that are joined together with a hyphen to modify the same noun. She had a three-year-old cat is an example of a compound adjective in a sentence.

What is a Adjectives in a sentence?

Well, it can't be in the subject of the sentence, for example [Yummy is this cookie.]The subject is usually in the predicate. But there are exceptions to every rule. Almost every.

Where are adjectives located in a sentence?

Adjectives can be almost anywhere in a sentence, as long as it is modifying or describing a noun.

What adjectives are in this sentence Young Icarus flew just below and behind his father at a moderate height?

The adjectives in the sentence are:young, describes the noun Icarushis, a pronoun called a possessive adjective, describes the noun fathermoderate, describes the noun heightNote: The word 'behind' can function as an adjective, but in the example sentence it is used as a preposition (below his father, behind his father).

Is an adjective a gerund?

No, adjectives are not gerunds and gerunds are not adjectives. A gerund (verbal noun) is a form of a verb used as a noun. An example is the present participle "sailing" in the sentence "Sailing is fun."