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I don't speak that language so I don't know.

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Q: What is an example of a Japanese myth?
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What is an example of a origin myth?

The short story the the of the seasons is an example of an origin myth

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a bludy myth a bludy myth a bludy myth a bludy myth

What example is there of a myth?

what are folktales

What is the Japanese myth?

it is a myth that gods humans and earth all were made from a germ that had the element of life etc. see related links.

What is an example of a myth?

Greek Mythology

What would be an example of myth?

that you are straight.

What is The Word Myth In Japanese?

You may say 'shinwa,' written: 神話

WHAT is example of myth?

Myths are like Greek and Roman stories

Would Thor be an example of creatoin myth?

No. A creation myth is one where the creation of the world is explained.

What is sacred myth?

One example of a sacred myth is the official conspiracy theory of 9/11.

This story is an example of what type of folklore?


What does dei mean?

God in the genitive case, i.e. "God's" or "of God".Dei is Japanese for mud though Deidara's name is from a Japanese myth