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Q: What is an example of a acid used as a cooking ingredient?
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Is hydrochloric acid a cooking ingredient?

No - Hydrochloric acid must not be used as a cooking ingredient as it is very harmful and corrosive

What is an example of a base used as a cooking ingredient?

The answer is simply; vinegar

What is a major ingredient used in Indian cooking?

curry powder

What is the active ingredient of vinegar?

Acetic acid is the active ingredient found in vinegar. This compound can effectively kill bacteria and can be used as an inexpensive disinfectant.

What ingredient is always used in cooking?

Salt maybe? Just a guess.

In continental Europe bacon is used primarily in what as a cooking ingredient?

used primarily in cubes

What is used to cancel acid in cooking?


Base used as a cooking ingredient?

You can never go wrong with Olive oil or cooking oil, chopped garlic and onions

Which are the buffer solutions can be added to the food ingradiants?

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is the most commonly used buffering ingredient in cooking. It is a weak buffer, and if there is much acid present, its buffering power will be exceeded.

What is a liquid ingredient?

Water, milk, are two examples of liquid ingredients used in cooking.

Can glacial acetic acid be used in cooking?


What is sur-gel in cooking?

sur-gel is a brand name. Pectin is the ingredient. Pectin is the ingredient used in jam making, it helps set the jam.