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Before I give an example, allow me to recap some key ideas one should know when preparing a farewell speech. I will assume this is a farewell speech from a person who is leaving.

The best way to prepare for a farewell speech is to consider the following:

  • Where one is departing from (e.g., stepping down from a committee).
  • ** Different scenarios also mean different kinds of audiences. Consider the situation and the audience and how they perceive the upcoming leave.
    • Highlight the wonderful things about the place in which you are departing from.
  • Why one is departing.
  • What one accomplished/noticed/experienced before the departure.
  • A note on where one plans to go after departure.
  • The people effected by departure.
  • ** A farewell speech is an expression of goodwill and politeness. One does not normally express grievances in a farewell speech.
    • How are you handling your departure?
  • Anything else that will be effected by departure.
  • ** For example, what changes will be made at a faculty department when a professor retires?

With that outline, here's an example of a farewell speech in the context of somebody retiring after working at the XYZ corporation for 20 years.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for gathering here this evening. It was 20 years ago since I was hired to work at XYZ corporation. I was nervous at first, but there was just this huge abundance of fine people who helped me to get my groundings. This corporation could thrive on it's friendliness alone. That friendliness has rubbed off me since then.

But sadly, I must say that all things must come to an end. After 20 years of working for this wonderful corporation I need to retire. My health is not what it used to be and my family at home would like to see more of me. Don't get me wrong, there is certainly a big family at this corporation, and I will certainly miss that too.

Let me recount some of my favorite memories over the years. Do each of you recall at the 97 Christmas party when Larry showed up in a Santa suit and gave everyone surprise gifts? Or when the boss gave everyone the day off just because he was in a good mood? Wow, there's just too many good memories that I will leave behind.

On a serious note, me leaving the company will leave the human resources department minus one person. This would normally have serious consequences on the productivity of the company, but I have taken the liberty of helping to find somebody as my replacement.

So now that I've taken care of everything for my departure, I would like to assure eveyrone that while departures are sad, I am not sad. I am happy because while I cannot take you all with me, I can keep the memories with me always, and so can you.

Thank you very much.

Just as a final note: it is a good idea to make a rough draft of your farewell speech and practice it for a close friend or relative and request their feedback. The best farewell speech takes some time to prepare and will also take much thought and passion.

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