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the example of lethal dominant mutation is huntington's disease.

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Q: What is an example of a lethal dominant mutation?
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What is a mutation that causes the death of an organism?

Lethal Mutation.

A mutation that results in the death of the organism is a?

lethal mutation

What is an example of a lethal mutation?

Albinism, where the animal (or person) has no melanin (color) in their skin or hair, so they sunburn easily and are prone to skin cancer. The irises of their eyes are pink, so their eyes are sun-sensitive. Animals with no coloring of their skin can not hide from predators, so they don't live long in the wild. I don't think albinism is technically a lethal mutation. I think an example of lethal mutation is the overo gene in horses. Two copies of it produce a foal that dies shortly after birth due to problems with its digestive system. Any mutation that causes termination of pregnancy is a lethal mutation.

Why are dominant alleles that cause lethal disorders less common that recessive alleles that cause lethal disorders?

A lethal dominant gene prohibits the organism from reproducing irregardless of the paired gene, so it is removed from the gene pool as soon as it appears. A lethal recessive gene, on the other hand, does not prevent reproduction unless it is paired with another lethal recessive, so it may be passed down through many generations before becoming paired and preventing reproduction.

Is chromosomal mutation dominant or recessive?

They can be both. Wikipedia provides small descriptions of some of the different types of mutation

Is the breast and ovarain cancer mutation dominant or recessive?


What is the result of mutation during of meiosis?

The mutation may be passed on to an offspring. Depending on the mutation, it may have no effect, or it could be lethal.

Is this mutation dominant or recessive?

it depends on what mutation you speak of. some are and some are not.

Is the mutation asthma recessive or dominant?

Asthma doesn't have a gene so its neither

How can a lethal gene be passed from one generation to the other?

If the lethal gene is recessive, and the parent carrying it is heterozygous for that gene, it can be passed down to offspring in the recessive form. If the mate of the parent happens to be carrying the same gene heterozygously, 50% of offspring will be expected to inherit the recessive lethal gene heterozygously. 25% of the offspring will be expected to inherit the lethal gene homozygously, leading to death. The remaining 25% of offspring we will expect to homozygously inherit the non-lethal gene. 1:2:1 ratio

Is achondroplasia sex linked or autosomal?

It's an autosomal dominant disease. Source:

Is achondroplasia caused by a mutation?

Yes, it is caused by an autosomal dominant mutation. One copy of the mutation will cause the condition.