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An example of a robotic submarine is the ISE -AUV. - Two of these 3 ton Automatic Underwater Vehicles have been built in Vancouver's International Submarine ENgineering. The purpose of these torpedo shaped vehicles is to map Canada's northern oceans. The AUV's will cruise as deep as 1,500 feet and map mountains and valleys beneath the oceans surface.

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Q: What is an example of a robotic submarine?
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What did the first submarine look like?

The first submarine looked like an egg pointing upwards. It had a window in front and had robotic arms to attach bombs to warships. It was named as "the Turtle".

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Where might a submarine explore new areas?

Submarines can be manned or robotic submersibles. In the undersea universe they can be used to explore the deepest points on Earth such as the Marianna Trenches. Within the Solar System the possibility of using robotic submarines may allow us to explore the Europa's under ice ocean.

What is the maximum depth of a robotic submarine?

The 'Nereus' ROV, owned by Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. has dived to 34,000 feet in the Challenger Deep, one of the very deepest parts of the Pacific ocean.

Where could one purchase robotic pool cleaners?

A robotic pool cleaner can be purchased from pool specialists. For example, the 'swimming pool store' sell this product on their webpage. Also, try Ebay.

Are robotic toys really better than the old fashioned ones?

Robotic toys can sometimes enhance what are seen as old fashioned toys. One example is dolls or action figures. If the toy is robotic it can be interacted with in different ways and many times the toy can be learned from and the toy can learn from the user. This site sells many robotic toys.

Where can you find the robot and what tasks will the robot perform in these places?

The automobile manufacturing industry uses robotic painting and welding arms. Other manufacturing uses robotic plasma cutters and other robotic devices to assist in precision assembly tasks. Police and military use robotic bomb detonating devices and robotic cameras. Military aircraft are becoming more robotic, for example search information about UAV's Robotic/automated devices are generally manufactured for specific tasks and are generally quite expensive. The autonomous/sentient robot does not exist, although there are a few mechanical toys that appear to emulate a general purpose robot.

What is a personification for a submarine?

Meaning a sentence that personifies one? Example: The old submarine growled reluctantly to life as the officers began to turn the knobs and dials.

What is robotic spacecraft?

A robotic spacecraft, is a spacecraft with robots in it,

Robotic Process Automation?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that utilizes software robots or "bots" to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks that are typically performed by humans. RPA software is designed to mimic the actions a human would take within digital systems, using the user interface to capture data and manipulate applications just as a human would. Here's an in-depth look at RPA and its significance in modern business: How RPA Works: RPA bots can interact with computer systems and applications in several ways: Screen Scraping and Recognition: RPA software captures data from a display screen interface just like a human would see it. API Interactions: While traditionally bots operate through the user interface, they can also perform tasks by interacting with APIs to speed up the process without needing the interface. Workflow Automation: Bots execute pre-programmed sequences of actions across multiple software systems, such as entering data, calculating, file handling, and even reading and responding to emails. Key Features of RPA: User Interface Interaction: Bots perform tasks by interacting with the graphical user interface (GUI) of applications. Task Automation: Automates routine and mundane tasks, such as data entry, form filling, and bulk file renaming. Rule-Based Decision Making: Executes actions based on predefined rules without requiring human intervention. Non-invasive Nature: Operates on top of existing IT infrastructure without the need for significant system integration or custom software development. Benefits of RPA: Cost Efficiency: Reduces the labor costs associated with manual tasks and minimizes the likelihood of human error. Productivity: Frees up employees from repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on more strategic, creative, or customer-focused work. Accuracy and Consistency: Delivers high levels of precision and uniformity in the tasks it performs, which is crucial in data-sensitive industries like finance and law. Scalability: Easily scalable across various departments and processes without additional huge costs. Fast Implementation: Typically quicker to implement than traditional IT projects, as RPA can leverage existing infrastructure. Applications of RPA: Finance and Banking: Automated data entry, transaction processing, compliance reporting, and fraud detection. Healthcare: Patient scheduling, billing, and claims processing. Retail: Customer order processing, payment transactions, and customer communication management. Telecommunications: Streamlining processes such as billing, service management, and data management. Challenges and Considerations: Job Displacement Concerns: There are concerns about RPA potentially displacing workers, particularly in roles focused on repetitive tasks. Management and Maintenance: Bots require continuous monitoring, maintenance, and updates to ensure they are functioning as intended and adapting to any changes in the interface or workflow. Security Risks: Implementing RPA requires careful consideration of security protocols, especially when bots handle sensitive or personal data. In summary, Robotic Process Automation represents a transformative technology in the realm of business process management, offering substantial benefits in terms of efficiency, cost reduction, and employee productivity. As businesses continue to pursue digital transformation, RPA stands out as a critical tool in automating operations and refining service delivery

Is a robo cup a robotic scarecrow?

Robotic scarecrow

What is an example for the prefix sub?

Submarine, submersible, subterfuge, subdivide, subheading, subordinate