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Red-Green color blindness, or hemophilia.

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Q: What is an example of a sex linked disorder?
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What is sex linked disorder?

it means that you inherit this form of disorder either from your mother or father's sex chromosomes. For example- color blindness or Haemophillia.

What is required for an individual to have a sex-linked disorder?

A sex-linked disorder is when a mutation of genes overrides the normal function of a another gene. For example, male-pattern baldness is a sex-linked disorder.

One example of sex-linked disorder is?


Is cleft lip and palate an autosomal or sex linked disorder?

It is a Sex-Linked Disorder.

What is a sex-linked disorder and give one example?

Genetic disorders that are linked to either the X or the Y chromosomes. Red-green colorblindness and hemophilia are both sex-linked disorders.

Which is the most common sex linked genetic disorder?

Red-Green color blindness, or hemophilia.

What is a sex- linked disorder?

Certain genetic defects occur on the sex chromosomes, either X (female) or Y (male).

What sex link is a recessive disorder?

Muscular dystrophy is a sex-linked recessive disorder.

What do you call a disorder in which females are the only ones who can be carriers?

a sex-linked, or X-linked disorder

Name a sex-linked genetic disorder?

Many different disorders are sex-linked. Saying something is sex-linked indicates that the gene causing the disorder can be found on one of the sex chromosomes, certain muscle disorders for example are sex-linked

What is a sex-linked linked genetic disorder?

color blindness is one

What is a genetic disorder caused by sex linked gene?

There are so many genetic disorder caused by sex linked to name few; Auto Immune disorder, Hemophilia, Night Blindness etc.