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When food moves across a cell membrane, it requires Active Transport.

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Q: What is an example of a situation that depends on active transport?
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Endocytosis is an example of active transport.

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Bulk Transport is an example of active transport. The process by which amoeba engulfs its food and secretes is a type of active transport. Amoeba forms false feet like pseudopodia and engulf food.Active and Passive transport both are related with plasma membrane. Active Transport is the transport of food across plasma membrane with expenditure of energy.

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Is an example of active transport?

An example of active transport is sugar molecules going into a cell. It cannot pass right through like water and oxygen so it uses active transport.Diffusion

What is an example is active transport?

An example of active transport is sugar molecules going into a cell. It cannot pass right through like water and oxygen so it uses active transport.Diffusion

What is an Example of active transport?

An example of active transport is sugar molecules going into a cell. It cannot pass right through like water and oxygen so it uses active transport.Diffusion

Lactose uptake in E coli is an example of which type of transport?

it's an example of secondary active transport.

An example of active transport?

sodium-potassium pump

Sodium potassium pump is an example of what?

Active transport

Is diffusion an example of active transport or passive transport?

Diffusion is an example of passive transport, like osmosis(the diffusion of water through a membrane).