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Q: What is an example of a societal goal?
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What is the goal in marketing?

In comparison, societal gain is the goal of social marketing.

What is the goal in social marketing?

In comparison, societal gain is the goal of social marketing.

Social science is likely to have as its primary goal?

Understanding human behavior and societal patterns.

Is you will become a doctor an example of a short-term goal?

Usually it is not a short term goal. It is usually an example of a long term goal. If someone is close to getting their medical degree, it would then be an example of a short term goal.

How to develop and example where you operationalize path-goal theory?

develop an example in which you can opaerationalise path goal theory

What is an example of a specific goal?


How wide is the goal?

The answer depends on the sport. An ice hockey goal, for example, is not as wide as a soccer goal.

You will learn how to play volleyball before next weekend is an example of a short-term goal?

Yes, it is an example of a short term goal.

Is it true that Scientific endeavor is driven by either simple curiosity or societal needs but not both?

No, curiosity and societal needs can overlap. For example, Richard Feynman was driven deeply by curiosity, but societal needs allowed him to apply his curiosity to the war effort in the Manhattan Project.

What do you mean by social goal model?

The social goal model focuses on how individuals choose goals based on social factors and norms. It suggests that people are motivated to pursue goals that align with societal expectations and values. The model highlights the influence of social context on goal setting and achievement.

What is an example of nations cooperating to achieve a common goal?

The International Space Station is a good example of a situation in which nations cooperate to achieve a common goal.

Can you give an example of a company goal?

The primary goal of for profit companies it so make money