

What is an example of acne?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is an example of acne?
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What are the advantages of using an acne light?

The advantages of using an acne light are that acne is removed or killed in the places it is hardest to get to - for example under the skin. Another advantage is oral medications would not be needed in addition to this method.

Where is acne information available at?

Wikipedia would be an online site where one could get acne information from. Acne is a human skin disease, and occurs mostly during adolescence. One could also get more information about acne from some of the products on the market that are geared for treating acne. One example would be the product Proactiv.

What vegetables help prevent acne?

If you have acne or are looking to prevent it, the more water the better! If you are thinking about veggies that prevent acne, pick veggies or fruits with a heavy water base. For example, celery and watermelon. Carrots are also great!

Where can one find pictures of baby acne?

One will find pictures of baby acne offered at a variety of sources like Yahoo or Photobucket. Another example would be Baby Center which offers a variety of information on baby acne and other topics in their wide databases.

What is an example of an acne treatment product that is proven to work?

There are many different products that treat acne. Some are proven to work better than others. Proactive and Exposed Skin Care have both received great reviews and have been proven to work on different forms of acne.

Can ciprofloxacin cause acne?

Ciprofloxacin is a tablet if it doesnt suites you there may be a chance to Cause of Acne Acne can be caused due to many reasons it is mostly found in Youngsters i have recently visited a site where i found many treatments on Acne

What is the scientific name for acne?

The scientific name for acne is acne vulgaris.

Can dezor shampoo help clear acne and acne scars?

I am not really sure if this effective for acne and acne scars.

What is the pathogenesis of acne?

It refers to development of acne, also can be related to Acne Vulgaris.

Can you get acne can you get acne from acids?


How do you get acne from stress?

I do not think you can get Acne from Stress, but you can get stress from Acne causing a severe Depression.

What is a good sentence with the word acne?
