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Q: What is an example of environmental factors that cause mutations in DNA?
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What are two environmental factors that can cause mutations?

Temperature and thunder

Can chemicals cause mutations?

Yes. Chemicals, radiation, and other environmental factors are known mutagens.

What is the definition of Environmental factor?

Environmental factors are factors that influence living organisms. This can be a plant, an animal, or a germ. Sunlight, food, water, or pollution are types of environmental factors. They may cause growth, mutations, or death of the organism.

What is an example of what a mutation can cause?

Mutations can cause diseases such as cancer

What types of external stimuli cause mutations?

While this question should be recategorized because external stimuli do not cause the mutations that result in hemophilia, there are many types of radiation that can cause gene mutations as well as chemical exposure. For example sun light is UV light radiation wich can cause mutations (for example the mutations that result in skin cancer).

What is the relationship between mutations and the environment?

In general, there is no direct relationship. In some cases the environment can damage genes and cause mutations. In a few cases, the environmental factors will determine certain traits, for instance alligator gender is affected by the temperature of their egg mounds.

Why is it that humans are some time born faulty?

Humans are sometimes born with genetic disorders due to mutations in the DNA or mutations in the chromosomes, such as having too many or too few. Environmental factors can also cause abnormalities, such as being infected with rubella or toxoplasmosis, or the use of alcohol (fetal alcohol syndrome).

Do genes determine all of your inherited traits?

Traits can have both environmental and genetic components.For example, Anger might be hereditary, but could have both environmental and genetic components.Obesity, or even height might also have both genetic and environmental components.

What is the definition of limiting factor?

it is an environmental factor that causes a population to decrease.

What causes genetic mutations?

Mutations are changes in the nucleotide sequences in a genome. Most often, these minor mistaks are corrected by in-built repair mechanisms and many mutations go unnoticed an are not harmful. Harmful mutations cause diseases in many cases. There are several factors that promote the formation of mutations. These factors are called mutagenic agents. Mutagenic agents are divided into: chemical and physical mutagens. UV radiation is an example of a physical mutagen and Nitrous acid is an expample of a chemical mutagen

What happens in the body to cause the disease for autism?

Autism is not a disease, Autism is a neurological difference. As Autism is neurological it occurs in the womb, mostly we believe it is caused by genes or genetic mutations, although environmental factors such as medications taken by the mother during pregnancy may cause autism.

What environmental factors cause mutations?

Mutagens are chemical or physical factors that increase the rate of mutation. Some are natural, and some are synthetic. Some examples of mutagens are: - Cosmic rays - Some viruses - Harmful atomic radiation - Recreational drugs - Tobacco - Alcohol - Pesticides - Asbestos - Soot