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Circumstances is such an open ended word that should work in your favor.

I studied a bible story about Cain and Able, who were brothers and the sons of Adam and Eve, in which Cain killed Able because he thought god like him more.

It could be argued that it was the circumstance of his own choices that led him to perceive favoritism....

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An example of man vs circumstances in writing is in "The Martian" by Andy Weir. The protagonist, Mark Watney, must overcome the harsh environmental circumstances of being stranded alone on Mars and use his ingenuity and problem-solving skills to survive.

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An example of man vs fate in "The Outsiders" is when Johnny kills Bob in self-defense, leading to a series of events that ultimately determine the fates of the characters. Despite their efforts to change their circumstances, their fate seems predetermined by the societal expectations and violence surrounding them, illustrating the struggle against external forces beyond their control.


It is where the leading character struggles against fate, or the circumstances of life facing him/her.

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The five types of conflict are: man vs. self (internal conflict within a character), man vs. man (conflict between two or more characters), man vs. society (conflict between a character and societal norms or expectations), man vs. nature (conflict between a character and the natural world), and man vs. fate (conflict between a character and their destiny or circumstances beyond their control).

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An example of character versus society conflict is money vs. the Greasers. Another example is the police assuming the Greasers are guilty. Hope these helped! :)