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Q: What is an example of mountain boundary?
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What is an example of a convergent plate?

an example of a convergent plate/boundary are mountain ranges

What mountain is a example of a transform boundary?

All mountains are transform boundaries. An example is the Rockies.

Give me an example of a natural boundary and tell me why it is a natural boundary.?

Im just going to guess that its a boundary that nature provided, but and example is an ocean, a river, and a mountain.

What mountain range is an example of a transform boundary?

The San Andreas Fault in California is an example of a transform boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. It runs along the western coast of the United States and is responsible for the formation of the California Coast Ranges.

Is a mountain a example of a convergent boundary?

A mountain is an example of a possible result of converging plate boundaries. An actual example of a converging plate boundary would be the Indian-Eurasian Plate Boundarywhich is creating the Himalayan Mountain Range. Other convergent plates can create trenches such as the Mariana Trench, which is the lowest place on the surface of the Earth.

What is the different between natural and a political?

A natural boundary is a boundary that is viewed from a physical factor like a mountain, river, or other land form/waterway. A political boundary is a boundary that is man made or decided by people. For example the state border is a political boundary.

What is a example of a large mountain range formed when two plate's made of continental lithosphere collided?

convergent boundary ^.<

What type of boundary produces mountain?

convergent plate boundary

What kind of boundary is found where mountain ranges are created?

Convergent boundaries are typically found where mountain ranges are created. This is where two tectonic plates move towards each other, causing the crust to buckle and push upwards, forming mountain ranges.

Which of the mountain chains from a boundary with the Canadian Shield?

The Appalachian mountain.

What are continental mountain ranges associated with?

Plate tectonics, (inter-continental plate collision).

What mountain is the natural boundary between Europe and Asia?

There are actually two mountain ranges that act as a boundary, the Ural Mountains and the Caucuses.