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H2+Br2 2HBr

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Q: What is an example of synthesis reaction?
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What is a example of a synthesis reaction?


What kind of reaction is represented by 2K I2 -2KI?

The given reaction is an example of "synthesis" reaction, in particular one in which two elements react to form a chemical compound.

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synthesis reaction

A chemical reaction in which two elements combine to form a compound is called a?

synthesis reaction

Is frying an egg a synthesis reaction?

Frying an egg is a synthesis reaction. The combination of heat which causes a reaction in the egg whites creates a chemical reaction. When you take these simple components and create a complex reaction this is a prime example of a synthesis reaction.

What equation is an example of a synthesis reaction?

Generally, a synthesis reaction is as follows; A + B > ABAn example of such is the synthesis of potassium chloride from potassium (solid) and chlorine gas: 2K + Cl2> 2KCl

The reaction in which two or more substances react to form a single substance?

A synthesis reaction or dehydration synthesis, also called a condensation reaction.

Which of these would be an example of a synthesis reaction?


What equation is a example of a synthesis reaction?

CaO + CO2 - CaCO3

When two or more substances combine to form one substance?

A synthesis reaction occurs when two or more substances combine to form a more complex structure. This process is a type of chemical reaction.

Which reaction(s) from the lab were synthesis reactions?

The model of a synthesis reaction is:A + B = ABA simple example is:N2 + 3 H2 = 2 NH3

Another name for a composition reaction is?

Formation reaction.