

What is an example of tension?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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6y ago

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If you pull on a string with both hands, one at either end, the string is in tension. If you pull directly along its axis on any object that is attached to ground you put it in tension. If you push it is in compression

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  1. An example of tension is feeling of working to meet an established deadline
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What is example of tension?

If you pull on a string with both hands, one at either end, the string is in tension. If you pull directly along its axis on any object that is attached to ground you put it in tension. If you push it is in compression

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Try to relax if yourtension rises.The tension ona guitar string can change it's tone.

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Well, there is a water beetle which can run across the surface of a pond, for example; he is using surface tension to support him.

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True Tension may build to the muscles peak tension capacity, but the muscle neither shortens or lengthens example. trying to lift a car

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Religious tension refers to problems between two religious groups. An example would be the Muslims, Jews and Hindus fighting in the Middle East.

What was the most serious example of tension created by federalism?

Civil War of 1861-1865.

Is In Belgium tension exists between the Flemish people who speak Dutch and the Walloons who speak French an example of a physical characteristics?

No, there is no tension, and physical characteristics have no role in Belgium.

What is an example of an organism that benefits from reducing surface tension?

Humans benefit greatly from the work of Pulmonary surfactant which reduces the surface tension in the alveoli of the lungs. This reduction in alveolar surface tension prevents the alveoli from collapsing and thus causing suffocation.

In drama what does tension mean?

Tension can sometimes be used as an interchangeable term with conflict. But where it differs, lies in the development of suspense in a performance. As the audience anticipates certain outcomes in the plot, the tension builds. An obvious example of rising tension is in a mystery or whodunit. The development of tension usually parallels the advancement of the plot, leading to a crisis or climax. Tension is closely linked with timing. ♠♠ BY: arjhel inguito email: