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Q: What is an example of the defense mechanism displacement?
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The Stockholm Syndrome is an example of what defense mechanism?

Stockholm Syndrome is an example of the defense mechanism of identification.

Defense mechanism how do defense mechanisms serve to protect the individual from anxiety?

Defense mechanisms are unconscious strategies used to reduce anxiety by distorting reality, denying or minimizing uncomfortable feelings, or diverting them into more acceptable outlets. By unconsciously protecting the individual from anxiety-provoking thoughts or emotions, defense mechanisms help maintain psychological stability and reduce distress.

What are examples of defense mechanism?

Some examples of defense mechanisms include repression (pushing negative thoughts or feelings into the unconscious mind), denial (refusing to accept reality), projection (attributing one's own thoughts or feelings to someone else), and rationalization (creating logical explanations to justify unacceptable behavior).

What is displacement defense mechanism?

Emotions, ideas, or wishes being transferred from their original object to a more acceptable substitute.

Do animals really help people feel better when they're upset?

Yes its a common Defense mechanism called Displacement.

How is a defense mechanism?

What is a defense mechanism

How is defense mechanism used?

Pushing something from consciousness into the unconscious and holding it there, which avoids a situation which cannot be currently coped with.

Which of the following is an example of the use of a defense mechanism?

Repression is an example of a defense mechanism where a person unconsciously blocks out thoughts or memories that are too difficult for them to acknowledge.

What is the defense mechanism of the turtle?

One of the defense mechanism's of the turtle is the ability to hide in it's shell.