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"We let go of a lot of our employees and used that money for increased executive compensation, and it was a tough decision, but the right one. Sales are booming once again and everyone's looking forward to the company picnic. Remember to get your company key ring when you leave the meeting."

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Q: What is an example of the logical fallacy called red herring?
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Which of the following is an example of the logical fallacy called a red herring?

I wish I could satisfy your curiosity about his romantic life; speaking of, what about your romantic interest? apex ;)

The fallacy of irrelevant reason is sometimes called?

The red herring fallacy

What is an example of the logical fallacy called a red herring?

A red herring is a statement designed to deflect attention by bringing up an unrelated or irrelevant point. There are a number of different forms, including one entitled "association fallacy" which attempts to falsely discredit an argument by association. Example : "My opponent says he is in favor of smaller cars for everyone, and so was Adolf Hitler when he commissioned the Volkswagen."

What is an ad hominem?

An ad hominem fallacy, sometimes called a "genetic fallacy" or "to the person fallacy" or shorted to "ad hominem", is a kind of logical fallacy. This logical fallacy's definition is: attacking the person rather than the statements the person made.

What is Ad hominem?

An ad hominem fallacy, sometimes called a "genetic fallacy" or "to the person fallacy" or shorted to "ad hominem", is a kind of logical fallacy. This logical fallacy's definition is: attacking the person rather than the statements the person made.

A mistake in reasoning that makes an argument ineffective is called a .?

Logical fallacy

Is a mistake in reasoning is usually called a logic?

No. A mistake in reasoning is called a logical fallacy.

Example of an ad hominem logical fallacy?

An example of an ad hominem logical fallacy would be when someone attacks the character or traits of a person making an argument rather than addressing the actual argument itself. For instance, if participants in a debate call each other names or criticize personal attributes instead of focusing on the topic at hand, they are committing an ad hominem fallacy.

What is the rhetorical device that tries to justify an action on the grounds that it is normal behavior accepted by all or most people?

That would be called a "red herring" fallacy, an informal fallacy known as argumentum ad populum.

Attacking the person instead of the argument is a type logical fallacy called?

ad hominem

An example of the logical fallacy called attack ad hominem?

"Sally Jones thinks that tax cuts are the answer. But then again, Sally Jones couldn't find her way out of a paper bag if it was already ripped open.".

Introducing irrelevant facts or arguments to distract from the subject under discussion is a type of logical fallacy called?

ad hominem