

What is an experiment of motion?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What is an experiment of motion?
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What actors and actresses appeared in An Experiment in Motion - 2008?

The cast of An Experiment in Motion - 2008 includes: Rachael Lynee as Rachael

How can you do an experiment using newtons laws of motion?

For example: A alive human is in motion and a dead human is something not in motion.

What did Einstein show by his train experiment?

Einstein's train experiment demonstrated the principle of time dilation, where time is experienced differently by observers in motion relative to each other. This experiment illustrated how time slows down for objects in motion, and is a key concept in his theory of special relativity.

What supplies the centripetal force for the mass in uniform circular motion in this experiment?

The tension in the string provides the centripetal force for the mass in uniform circular motion in this experiment. This tension acts towards the center of the circular path, keeping the mass moving in a circular motion instead of following a straight line.

Uniform circular motion sources of errors in the experiment?

Some sources of error in a uniform circular motion experiment could include inaccuracies in measuring the radius of the circle, variations in the centripetal force due to friction or air resistance, and inconsistencies in measuring the period of the motion. Additionally, human errors in timing the motion or setting the apparatus could also contribute to inaccuracies.

What is the cause of errors of dependent motion of several particles experiment?

Errors in dependent motion of several particles in an experiment can be caused by factors such as inaccuracies in measuring equipment, external forces interfering with the motion of the particles, and human error in recording or analyzing data. It is important to carefully control these factors to minimize errors and ensure accurate results.

What is the conclusion of projectile motion experiment?

The conclusion of a projectile motion experiment typically involves summarizing the key findings related to the trajectory, velocity, angle of projection, and range of the projectile. It may also discuss any sources of error in the experiment and suggest ways to improve accuracy in future investigations. Ultimately, the conclusion should tie back to the experiment's purpose and whether the results support or refute the initial hypothesis.

Who invented the Dancing Mothballs experiment?

The Dancing Mothballs experiment was invented by physicist Richard Feynman. This experiment involves placing mothballs on a vibrating surface to observe their movement patterns, which can help illustrate concepts of Brownian motion.

What would a physicist do to determine how tires affect motion of a car?

Conduct and experiment to rest the trip of different tires

What would a physicist do to determine how tired affect the motion of a car?

Conduct and experiment to rest the trip of different tires

What would a physicist do to determine how tires affect the motion of a car?

Conduct and experiment to rest the trip of different tires

What are the sources of errors in a ramp experiment?

Some sources of errors in a ramp experiment include inaccuracies in measuring the height of the ramp, friction between the ramp and the object moving on it, air resistance affecting the motion, variations in the surface of the ramp, and errors in timing the motion of the object.