

What is an hyphen look like?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: What is an hyphen look like?
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What does a hyphen look like on keyboard?

what does a hyphen look like

How does a hyphen look?

like this -

What does the symbol for hyphen look like?

It looks like a short horizontal line. Well-known

What what does a hyphen look like?

A hyphen (also known as a dash or minus sign) looks like this: - On most standard QWERTY-style computer keyboards, a hyphen or dash appears above the letter 'P' and to the right of the number zero. It may also appear on the keyboard's number pad as a minus sign.

What does a hyphen look like?

A hyphen (also known as a dash or minus sign) looks like this: - On most standard QWERTY-style computer keyboards, a hyphen or dash appears above the letter 'P' and to the right of the number zero. It may also appear on the keyboard's number pad as a minus sign.

Does old fashioned have a hyphen?

old fashioned does not have a hyphen just a space after old

What is the difference between a comma and a hyphen?

A comma looks like this , a comma separates phrases or connects two or more sentences. A hyphen looks like this - a hyphen connects words or parts of words to make a new word.

Do you say A hyphen or AN hyphen?

You say "A hyphen" because the sound of the letter "H" at the beginning of the word "hyphen" is pronounced, making it a consonant sound.

DO we use hyphen for world class?

No hyphen is needed for world class. World is just an adjective that describes class much like (for example) upper class, which also does not need a hyphen.

How do you make a winky face?

;) do a semicolon then a parentheses 2nd answer: Or a semicolon, hyphen and right parenthesis. ;-)

Does desert like need a hyphen?

Yes, it should be hyphenated to desert-like.

What is the thing that looks like a long hyphen?

em dash