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Q: What is an identifier in compiler design?
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What is identifier in compiler design programs?

identifier is a letter , digit.

What are the difference between a compiler design and a compiler?

In Compiler there is no design word ,whereas in compiler design there is design word

When was Principles of Compiler Design created?

Principles of Compiler Design was created in 1977.

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compiler hints is a assurance to detecter of the result creates a role of identifier to check the program when the program is executing.

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bootstrapping is a process of writing a compiler in the target programing language which it is intended to compile

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No one knows and no one cares.

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Is a specification for the syntax of a programming language.

How to design a DFA that accepts an identifier in c language?

letter -> [a-zA-Z] digit -> [0-9] identifier -> letter|_(letter|digit|_)

Impotance of symbol table in compiler?

An essential function of a compiler is to record the identifiers used in the source program and collect information about various attributes of each identifier, .These attributes may provide information about the storage allocated for an identifier, its type, its scope. A symbol table exists throughout the compilation and run-time.It is One of the most important data structures in every compiler is symbol table. Symbol table is a special data structure that holds all symbols, from identifiers to internally generated nodes.The data structure allows us to find the record for each identifier quickly and to store or retrieve data from that record quickly. When an identifier in the source program is detected by the lexical analyzer, the identifier is entered into the symbol table.