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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 3d ago

An impromptu or unplanned speech is one that is delivered without prior preparation or rehearsal. It requires the speaker to rely on their ability to think quickly and communicate effectively on the spot. Impromptu speeches are often used in situations where a quick response or short address is needed.

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Q: What is an impromptu or unplanned speech?
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Is an example of an impromptu or unplanned speech?


What is an example of an impromptu or unplanned speech?

An example of an impromptu or unplanned speech could be a teacher giving an unplanned address to students following a sudden school incident or a business leader speaking unexpectedly at a company event due to a last-minute change in the program.

What is the definition of impromptu?

An impromptu, in music, is a piece that was unplanned for (usually suddenly inspired by something). Impromptu in general means "unplanned for."

What is another word for spontanaeous?

unplanned off-the-cuff impromptu

What part of speech is impromptu?

Impromptu is an adjective.

What are the advantages of impromptu speech presentation?

advantages and disadvantages of Impromptu presentation

What is impromptu speech?

An impromptu speech is a speech or presentation that is given without any prior preparation or planning. Speakers must think on their feet and deliver a coherent and effective message on the spot. Impromptu speeches often showcase a speaker's ability to communicate effectively and think quickly under pressure.

Use impromptu in a sentence?

She delivered an impromptu speech at the event, showcasing her ability to think on her feet.

Can you use impromptu in a sentence?

Sure! The speaker gave an impromptu speech at the event without any prior preparation.

What are the disadvantages and advantages of Impromptu speech?

Impromptu speeches can be more honest and from the heart. However, without a script, a speech can get repetitive and mixed up.

How should i end an impromptu speech?

One should end an impromptu speech with a joke that brings the speech back to the opening lines. In this way, the speech can come full circle and end on a high note.

What word has closest in meaning to spontaneous?

Impromptu is the closest to spontaneous word. It is a word representing sudden action.