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It would suggest that the spine running through the chest area(Thoracic region) has increased is curve giving possibly due to Arthritic condition or other problem I think this was common in elderly women and was called a dowagers hump.

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Q: What is an increased posterior curve in the thoracic?
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Where is the thoracic curve?

The thoracic spine is from the base of the neck to the bottom of the rib cage. All the thoracic vertebrae - all 12 have ribs attached. The curve the thoracic spine has is called the thoracic curve, or kyphosis. It is normal to have a curve but if the curve is excessive or twists to the side it is abnormal. It can cause problems or if mild most people do not know it is there.

What is the name for the upper back region?

Posterior thoracic.

What is the scientific name for the upper back region?

Posterior thoracic.

What is mild thoracic scoliosis?

Well, scoliosis is a curvature of the spine. The cervicothoracic part deals with the location of the curve. The cervical region is the neck, and the thoracic is the upper back. So the cervicothoracic scoliosis would be a curvature of the spine in the neck/upper back

What is the primary curve of the spine?

the thoracic and sacral curves

What is reverse kyphosis?

The term kyphosis, refers to an abnormal and exaggerated rounding of the spine. To use an example, the Hunchback of Notre Dame had kyphosis. Kyphosis refers to the normal convex curvature of the spine as it occurs in the thoracic and sacral regions.

What is the term for the exaggeration of the thoracic curve of the vertebral column s?


What sections of vertebral column curve posteriorly?

thoracic curvature and lumbar curvature

Does scoliosis have a curve in it?

Scoliosis is curvature of the spine, either cervical, thoracic and lumbar

What is the overall shape of the vertebral column?

There are essentially 3 curves in the human spine: 1. Cervical lordotic curve 2. Thoracic kyphotic curve 3. Lumbar lordotic curve In summary the human spine has 2 lordotic curves and 1 kyphotic curve. If you are looking at a person sideways with their face facing towards your left, the lordotic curve is concave and the kyphotic curve is convex.

How many curvature does vertebral column have?

You have the convex anteriorly curve of cervical vertebrae. You have the concave anteriorly curve of thoracic vertebrae. Again you have the convex anteriorly curve of lumber vertebrae. The sacrum goes steep backward from the last lumber vertebra. Here no curve is described probably. So you have lardosis of cervical and lumber vertebrae. You have kyphosis of the thoracic vertebrae.

Thoracic volume is increased during normal breathing by the?
