

Best Answer

There are several.

They are the Metre, Gramme, Second, and I think the Volt, Ampere and Coulomb but I stand to be corrected. Where does the Joule come into things?

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Q: What is an independent fundamental quantity of measurement in the metric system from which all other quantities can be derived?
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What are derived quantities what are the fundamental quantities?

Fundamental quantities are quantities that can be measured such as mass, length and temperature. Derived quantities are quantities that has to be calculated such as pressure, volume and work done.AnswerThe SI does not define 'fundamental quantity', instead it uses the term 'Base Unit'. All other units are 'Derived Units', so-called because they are each derived from combinations of Base Units.

What are difference of fundamental and derived quantity?

Fundamental quantities r those which r independent of other quantities and r scaler and on the other hand derived quantities r those which depends on fundamental quantities!! For example metre sqaure!

Definition for fundamental quantities and derived quantities?

the differentiate between fundamental quantity and derived quantity?

Is cubic feet derived quantities or fundamental quantities?

It is a derived quantity.

What is difference between base quantity and derived quantity?

Base quantities (Scalar Quantities) :Independent quantities who have single standard units.- time /seconds-distance/metersDerived Quantities (Vector Quantities):Quantities derived by multiplying or dividing 2 base quantities.- Velocity = distance/timeunit of Velocity = m/s

Are weight length time and mass fundamental quantities?

No, weight is not a fundamental quantity.

Fundamental quantities of measurement?

There are seven SI fundamental quantities of measurement.Base Quantity/Unit/Abbreviationmass/kilogram/kglength/meter/ mtime/second/selectric current/ampere/Aamount of substance/mole/molthermodynamic temperature/kelvin/Kluminous intensity/candela/cd

What is meant by fundamental physical quantities?

In Science, there are seven fundamental quantities. The seven fundamental quantities includes length, mass, time, electric current, thermodynamic temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity.

What is derived quantity?

Derived quantities are quantities which are made or found from other major quantities. There are two types of quantities. Ones are which are recognized throughout the world and using them other quantities are made.

What is an independent quantity in math?

It is a quantity that is not affected by other quantities. It may or may not affect them.

What are the differentiate between the basic quantities from derived quantities?

Basic quantities are quantities which can be arrived at without performing any mathematical procedure. Derived quantities are those which can be arrived at only after performing mathematical procedure.

What do you mean by the term quantity?

quantities which are not mademade from major quantities