

What is an infantile?

Updated: 8/2/2022
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13y ago

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Somebody who is infantile is very childish, like an infant. E.g ' she is so infantile sometimes'. -twilight-

infantile also can mean: pertaining to infancy or an infant.

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md munna sheikh

Lvl 6
1y ago


I see you are asking "What is infantile myofibromatosis (im)?"

Infantile myofibromatosis, or IM, is a rare tumor that grows in the skin, muscles, bones, and sometimes in the organs of the chest or abdomen. IM tumors are benign, which means they are not cancer and do not spread to other parts of the body. But these tumors may grow large and damage nearby organs.

To get more info, you may visit this webpage too -

skincarehealthcenter. com/condition/infantile-myofibromatosis-%28im%29/c/22584

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What is infantile swallowing and how is it different from regular swallowing?

Infantile swallowing is the swallowing in infancy prior to development of occlusion is based on unconditioned reflex system. It is initiated by facial and circumoral muscles

What is the survival rate of tay sachs?

There is currently no cure or treatment for TSD. Even with the best care, children with Infantile TSD die by the age of 5,and the progress of Late-Onset TSD can only be slowed, not reversed. Although experimental work is underway, no current medical treatment exists for infantile TSD.

Where did the disease polio originate from?

Polio is the common name for poliomyelitis, which comes from the Greek words for grey and marrow, referring to the spinal cord, and the suffix -itis, meaning inflammation. Poliomyelitis, shortened, became polio. For a time, polio was called infantile paralysis, though it did not affect only the young. Polio is caused by one of three types of poliovirus, which are members of the Enterovirus genus. No one knows where the disease came from as there is no natural animal host. The same is true for smallpox.According to Wikipedia:Ancient Egyptian paintings and carvings depict otherwise healthy people with withered limbs, and children walking with canes at a young age. It is theorized that the Roman Emperor Claudius was stricken as a child, and this caused him to walk with a limp for the rest of his life. Perhaps the earliest recorded case of poliomyelitis is that of Sir Walter Scott. In 1773 Scott was said to have developed a severe teething fever which deprived him of the power of his right leg. At the time, polio was not known to medicine. A retrospective diagnosis of polio is considered to be strong due to the detailed account Scott later made, and the resultant lameness of his left leg had an important effect on his life and writing.

Can you list at least 10 problems that might occur if the pituitary gland function were diminished?

The pituitary gland produces, stores, and secretes many hormones. If anything goes wrong with the function of the pituitary, if it is diminished, or increased, drastic body problems can occur. Here are some possibilities: Follicle stimulating hormone - controls estrogen production & egg development Luteinizing hormone - promotes ovulation Adrenocorticotropic hormone - tells the adrenal cortex to release cortisol Thyroid stimulating hormone - tells thyroid to release T3 & T4 which is needed for metabolism Melanocyte-stimulating hormone - stimulates the skin to produce melanin granules Prolactin - tells the mammary glands to produce milk Human growth hormone - responsible for muscle & bone growth Antidiuretic hormone - tells the kidneys to reabsorb H2O, which decreases urine production and helps maintain pH levels and prevent dehydration. Also plays as role in maintaining blood pressure Oxytocin - contributes to milk expression & uterine contractions The potential problems if its function is diminished are too numerous to mention. They could range from mental retardation, general underdevelopment, hypertension, hypotension, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, acromegaly, giganitism, cretinism, Cushings disease, Addisons disease, infantile death, problems with delivery...

What does pylorus is patent mean?

The pylorus controls the flow between a reservoir dedicated to mechanical and chemical digestion (the stomach) and a conduit dedicated to the absorption of nutrients (the intestines). The pylorus adjusts gastric outflow resistance to physiological needs. It allows the outflow of isotonic fluids yet selectively retains particles too large for delivery to the intestines and in concert with the antrum further processes them (gastric sieving). Unlike most gut sphincters, the pylorus, at least of man, maintains a patent (open) lumen (central cavity of a tube) most of the time. It only intermittently becomes a tightly closed barrier that arrests all flow out of and into the stomach. The geometry of the pylorus changes dramatically from the relaxed open state to closure. Pyloric closure involves contraction of its proximal and distal muscle loops, and occlusion of its lumen by mucosal folds. Current studies that combine pressure recordings with imaging by magnetic resonance imaging or ultrasound and fluid-mechanical analysis shed new light on the role of the pylorus in gastric emptying and digestion. Much has been learned in recent years on the innervation of the normal pylorus particularly from studies on infantile hypertrophic stenosis, and attempts are being made to treat gastroparesis by interventions on the pylorus.