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Basically, the earth is a giant satellite in space with limited resources. In order to live on earth's new crowded conditions, man will have to find ways to re-use or more safely use its resources. That's the same problem NASA has when it tries to send people into space.

To begin with, the US space program has saved countless lives. Since space travel was and is so dangerous, one of the first problems they had to solve was how to get medical data from space back to earth in case the astronaut didn't survive the trip. They solved this problem by hooking up sensors to the astronaut, which relayed the information to a computer onboard the vehicle. Every few hours, the information is sent back to earth. That technology is the same used by ambulances and helicopters to transmit patient's data back to the hospital so the hospital personnel can prepare the medications and staff to take care of the emergency as soon as the patient arrives.

Fire proof fabrics, which have also saved countless lives, were originally developed for use in space.

Cell phones would not be possible without satellites that explore space, nor would we have instant news from across the globe.

Space exploration has also given us more accurate weather forecasting which has enabled us to better predict such things as snowstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis, again saving lives.

The GPS devices in phones and in cars have helped a few billion people get to their destination on time.

Space exploration has also opened communications between the United States and its former Cold War adversaries. One of the first agreements signed between the United States and the Soviet Union was for cooperation in space which led directly to the International Space Station.

Solar panels offer the promise of pollution-free power to everyone. Sure there are other forms of pollution-free power, but not everyone lives in a place where there is wind or water. Speaking of water, NASA also developed water purification processes are being used by cities all over the world.

In order to save space and weight in space, NASA had to find ways to recycle things that weren't recycled before. Their methods are also being used by businesses all over the world. One of the most famous photos taken by NASA astronauts, the earth rising over the moon's horizon, showed earthlings just how fragile the earth really is. That photo was used by environmentalists worldwide to show people the need for recycling.

Sometime in the future, space exploration will be used to save the earth from a disastrous asteroid. Thanks to space exploration, the technology to do so is already in place.

Basically, the space program has employed millions of people over the years, putting their knowledge and effort into making the world a better place not just for them, but for the rest of humanity and humanity to come.

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