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A symbol refers to an object or a person that represents something else. There are many types of symbols that represent different people and ideologies.

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Troy O'Keefe

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2y ago
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Q: What is an object person or animal that represents something else.?
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What is an object person or animal that represents something beyond itself?

A metaphor is an object, person, or animal that represents something beyond itself

This literary term is a person idea action or object that represents something else?

symbol mnemonic

What is it called when an object or person or place or experience represents something else usually something you cant see or touch?

It is called symbolism when an object or person or place or experience represents something else, typically something abstract or intangible. Symbolism is a literary technique that adds depth and significance to a story or work of art.

What is the literary term for a person idea action or object that represents something else?

The term is "symbol." Symbols are often used in literature to convey deeper meanings or themes beyond their literal interpretation.

Can a object be a person?

no. a person is a person. an object is something you can hold in your hands. something you can look at and wonder why the world made that and not something else.

Is the word puzzle a noun or an adjective?

A noun represents an object, person, animal, place, etc. An adjective describes a noun. Because a puzzle is an object, it is a noun. Also, it does not describe anything, so it's not an adjective.

What is symbolism need help?

Symbolism is when an object/person represents a theme or characteristics.

Represents an idea or object?

A noun is a word for a person, a place, a thing, or an idea.

What is the Translation of Malaguena to English?

"Malagueña" in Spanish refers to a female person (or animal, or object) from Málaga. The English term is probably something like Malaganian.

Who is the political person that old major represents in Animal Farm?

Karl Marx

What pet is for you?

In my opinion, a person should choose an animal that represents them as a person, or one that they have time for, or that they can enjoy the most.

Which animal is akito sohma?

Akito isn't an animal, but the person Akito represents is 'God'(like God from the folktale)