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Q: What is an opacities in the upper left lobe?
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What is right upper lobe densities?

A suspicious density in the right upper lobe could be many things, and you should seek advice and do the tests that are recommended by your medical professionals.

Broca's area is located in the?

Left temporal.

Which lobe effects motor function of right side?

The left frontal lobe.

What is left frontal lobe damage?

This indicates damage (either from trauma,dementia conditions, vascular causes or tumors, and more rarely from infections) to the left portion of the frontal lobe (area) of the brain.

How do separate the right and left pulmonary segment?

This is probably what u are looking for but however there is a longer explanation to this which i believe u can get in another place and i wont be typing it here.The Left Lung1. It is slender and divided into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) lobes by a long deep oblique fissurewhich extends from its coastal to medial surface.2. The superior lobe has a large cardiac notch on its anterior border.3. The anteroinferior part of the superior lobe has a small tongue-like projection called the lingula.4. The inferior lobe of the left lung is larger than the superior lobe and lies inferoposterior to the oblique fissure.The Right Lung1. The right lung is shorter and wider than the left lung, because the right dome of the diaphragm is higher and the heart and pericardium bulge more to the left.2. It is divided into superior (upper), middle, and inferior (lower) lobes by horizontal and oblique fissures.3. The horizontal fissure separates the superior and middle lobes.4. The oblique fissure separates the inferior lobefrom the superior and middle lobes.5. The superior lobe is smaller than in the left lung, and the middle lobe is wedge-shaped.6. The anterior margin of the right lung is straight, whereas the margin of the left lung has a deep cardiac notch.

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What are the names of the four lobes of the liver?

Following are the names of the 3 lobe liver of a frog such as: 1. right anterior 2. left anterior 3. left posterior

What is an upper lobe?

A lobe is a protrusion (a volume or area that sticks out) an upper lobe is a protusion that is at the top.

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What quadrant contains the right lobe of the liver?

Most of the liver is in Right Upper Quadrant, but a small part is in Left Upper Quadrant.

What does the medical abbreviation lul mean?

LUL stands for left upper lobe. It refers to part of the lung.

What are the names of the 3 lobes of a frogs liver?

A frog has three lobes on its liver. They are called the right lobe, the left anterior lobe, and the left posterior lobe.There are three lobes in the frog's liver. They are known as the right lobe, left posterior lobe and the left anterior lobe.

What is located beneath the diaphragm in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity?


What is the meaning of findings suggestive of PTB right lung and left upper lung?

PTB stands for Pulmonary Tuberculosis. It is located in your right lung, the upper lobe. You were exposed to the bacteria, could have been by a cough or sneeze.

What is upper lobe kochs infection?

Koch's infection means infection by tuberculosis causing bacteria. Upper lobe is usually involved. Exact reason for this is not known. Probably the upper lobe is poorly ventilated.

What are the names of the lobes of a frog liver?

The right lobe, the left anterior lobe, and the left posterior lobe.

What is the lobe of the cerebrum that occupies the upper part of each hemisphere behind the frontal lobe called?

parietal lobe.

How many parts does the frog's liver have?

three, they are the: right lobe the left anterior lobe, and the left posterior lobe